Telepathy between all of us has always been an exciting conversation to me. Ever since episode 1 of Spirit Science where we discussed how thoughts act as waves between individuals, rather than isolated things that occur separate from each other in our brains. Today that conversation gets expanded to the other side of the equation. While I believe and know for certain that we all have the ability to tap into that naturally, I also can see quite clearly that we have the opportunity to speed up that evolution in a holistic way using modern technology. I know, I know, there is also a great risk in this idea, for the consequences of doing it wrong could result in a broken paradigm of control and fear on the human race. I understand the fear that comes along with this idea of corporations tapping into our brains and making us want or think certain ways… It’s a scary thought, and we are going to have to experience a global change in order to truly feel safe using technology to advance our mental abilities in a safe way for everyone.
I know for a fact that it IS truly possible to create this in a holistic way, but it has to be done with the right intention, a pure and genuine intention operating from Christ Consciousness. That is the level of awareness where virtue, love, honesty and truth are the guiding force that compels one’s action… It’s clear that there are not a great deal of those who operate from this space on the planet, at least.. not yet ;) But regardless, I am talking about all of this because a new advancement in research and technology has led to some very early phases of brain-to-brain communication withOUT any invasive cords or wires into a human skull. That’s right, humans have now successfully transmitted data from one brain to another using nothing but external readers. In this first of its kind study, an international team of researchers communicated 2 words across a 500 mile distance using the internet, from one brain sender to 3 individual receivers of the data. We wanted to find out if one could communicate directly between two people by reading out the brain activity from one person and injecting brain activity into the second person, and do so across great physical distances by leveraging existing communication pathways,” explains coauthor Alvaro Pascual-Leone, MD, PhD, Director of the Berenson-Allen Center for Noninvasive Brain Stimulation at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) and Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School. “One such pathway is, of course, the internet, so our question became, ‘Could we develop an experiment that would bypass the talking or typing part of internet and establish direct brain-to-brain communication between subjects located far away from each other in India and France?’” It turned out the answer was “yes.” The data were the words “Ciao” and “Hola”, which were described appearing in the receivers head as if they were wispy flashes of information under their eyelids. I might pose that they saw the information in their 3rd eyes: registering in the pineal gland, but that data isn’t something that has been discussed or released. My speculation only :) TelepathyThe exciting part about this to me is that they were able to do it with external scanners. They didn’t need to drill holes in the skulls. That’s a pretty big deal. The technology is rather large at this point in time, but I could imagine that in the future this technology could be compacted down to the size of…say, a small crystal. One day we may all simply have access to all information at all time through a mental internet – which truly is just a mental connection to all of our brains all at once. The collective consciousness of mankind. Imagine that? The next level of the internet, where you are it – you are inside of it and it is made up of you combined with everyone else there is…
And that is a pretty amazing idea, wouldn’t you agree?
Mohammad Rf :)